Keeping up with the Greatest
Keeping up with the Greatest

I hope everyone had a relaxing and restful holiday weekend. This past weekend is a time of travel for some, whether it is for a vacation or to visit family. There is usually a party or a bar-b-q at some point over the weekend, and yard work for some. It is also a more emotional time for many as we remember those who we have lost fighting to defend us. My family has been very fortunate not to have anyone directly affected from this. I have many friends who are in the military and have even lost some.
This past Friday I adjusted people ranging more than 90+ years of age. This was amazing feeling when I realized this. This is because no matter what your age, who you are, or what you’ve been through, we are all alive and have a nervous system that can be adjusted if needed so we can function optimally! One of our newest practice members has been a real inspiration to me. Her name is Stella and she is a great grandmother. She gets around so well and has such a positive attitude. We love when she is in the office; she makes it such a positive place. I’m sure she may have many aches and pains that she could let bring her down and complain about but she doesn’t. She loves coming in for adjustments because she wants to stay active. She needs to keep up with those great grandchildren! Both sets of my grandparents had this same mentality that they weren’t going to let little things slow them down. The name the greatest generation really makes sense when you look back and see all that they have been through and accomplished. I don’t think there will be a generation quite like them for a long time.
When I was a kid I remember going to visit my grandparents and the rest of the family over many different holidays such as Memorial Day. It seems harder for everyone to get together at the same time anymore with how busy we all are these days. But I remember having a good time playing, eating great food and spending time with everyone. I have so many stories I could tell, but this one will give you an idea about how active they are still, just like Stella. One time over New Years Eve my wife and I were staying with my grandparents from my dad’s side, grandma and pap. We just stayed in and were in bed by midnight but they were out partying until 1am! My grandpa (pap) is in his 90’s and still gets down and does push ups! Pap is a veteran of the air force and was a mechanical engineer and manager for the York Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Company. My other grandpa (grampy) on my mom’s side was an Osteopathic doctor. I guess being a holistic doctor runs in the blood!
I know Memorial Day is a day for all veterans but I think there is something to be said of that generation and that we have had and will have big shoes to fill. Thank you to all veterans and current service members for allowing all of us to do what we do.